big data analytics for oil & gas
How Big Data Analytics can benifit oil & gas companies?
key business challenges for oil & gas
Data and Business Process Integration
Project subsurface, operation and economic team are not truly integrated causing lower exploration success rate, sub-optimal reservoir management
linking project economics to oil price
Existing solutions lack the ability to bring project cost below the lifting cost or reduce the lifting cost significantly
managing uncertainty during
business decisions & Planning
Uncertainties not optimally captured in FDP means poorer field performance than predicted
repeatable & simplified
data management practices
Our Industry experience confirms that up to 60% project time is spent on data preparation activities

Companies adopting a data science driven approach , are twice more likely to be in top quartile of financial performance, three times more likely in effective implementation and five times more likely to take decisions quicker within the sector or the industry (Bain and Company 2014).